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Increasing Views...

Sunday, October 24
Today I found some more orange shirts and onesies that were reasonably priced.  I went ahead and bought them in preparation for making some more items for my shop- hopefully I'll have time to do so this week.  I'm not feeling great thanks to added nanny hours taking care of a sick little one, but that's ok, we played Battleship and it was adorable watching him figure out the coordinates.  I also have a huge paper due and a big biology test this coming week.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that added weekend rest will have me right as rain by Monday!

Your Spuds Look Darling In Our Duds

I'm really excited because I have some more customer views of items in my shop today, not a ton more, but it's something!  It might be due to my wonderful boyfriend doing some high tech computer stuff that I don't understand to increase Google hits.  He's starting to teach me about this stuff, and I'm trying to learn, but currently I feel like he's speaking Greek.  Who knows?  Maybe It's The Potatoes will become a household name like Kelly's Kids or Gap!


S***, Mary, it's the potatoes!

Tuesday, October 19
Basically, I can’t foresee a future that solely consists of wiping snot from other peoples’ kids’ noses and sending them to time out when they can’t behave.  Don’t get me wrong. I love children, really really love them.  I’d just like to be able to support some of my own in the near future.  And, well, I just can't seem to commit to a college major (but I AM trying!)

In comes the title, which happens to be what I named my new online shop.  It's something my mother and I used to say to each other when things weren't going quite right.  

Where did it come from?  

Well, my mom was on a walk in the neighborhood and overheard some hoity toity caterers having an incident with  the chafing dish of potatoes au gratin right before serving time.  Needless to say, she heard,"S***, MARY, IT'S THE POTATOES!!"  For some reason, this tickled us to no end, and stuck with us as an "in joke".

I have decided to plunge in feet first and try out entrepreneurship.  I have started my own online shop on Etsy.com. It’s pretty exciting…if only someone would buy something!

Anyway, I named my shop this because I decided to take that saying and give it a backbone of determination that things will work out.  So what if 'It's The Potatoes!'?  I'm sure there are lots of healthful minerals in dirt and gravel...